I-Bride, straight bits that respect your horse's mouth
Innovative mouthpieces that prioritize well-being
The I-bridle bit is the innovation that all riders are eager for. Created in 2020, this mouthpiece is the result of five long years of research carried out by a passionate equine dentist and two people in charge of project development as well as communication.
Harold Feugas aimed to create a bit that would respect the horse's mouth while being confronted with violent images on a daily basis. In fact, he regularly noticed broken teeth, necrotic bars or even cut tongues on the horses he treated. This is only part of the many damages that bits cause to the health of horses.
It is with the aim of putting an end to this suffering that Harold has worked hard to finally present to riders a bit combining comfort and well-being.
The mouthpiece invented by the dentist also solves the control problems that many horse riders complain about. Helped by osteopaths, farriers and veterinarians, the creator of the I-Bride brand wanted to optimize the movement. For this, he has developed a mouthpiece with better ergonomics, better flexibility and better cushioning.
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